Well now that Im not quite feeling as poorly, its back to the blog.
Recovering well, have had some throat issues with all the blood and "healing secretions", fatigue, etc, but its on the wane. Time to post a few things from before I was laid up.
First off, Shayne finally got bit by the bug. Coming to help flip the boat (and some anti-social issues at home) catalyzed him into building a boat. He decided on a simple jonboat built out of construction grade wood as cheaply built as possible. I think we are in it a grand total of $125. 15.5' long, 52" wide, should be perfect for a 9.9hp motor. Boyle's Boats out of Louisiana provided the plans.
Of note is the notched trowel method of spreading glue for a lamination. Shaynes first boat is going to be a butt block built boat with 1/4 lauan sides and a 3/8 fir keel. This pair of photos shows why you should use a notched trowel to spread your glue:

And a closeup of the glue:

Afterwards, we laid them out on the joint, used a rubber laminate countertop roller to get the glue pressed in and the air pressed out, then nailed up the 3/8 stuff with ringnails for stiffness. Should be a fun little boat for he and his daughter(s).
On Nina, I piddled around with a mockup using the jig structure. All the internal framing went in and was test-fit. While it was in, I leveled the boat off, made sure all the keel sections were flat, parallel, and where they needed to be. I then braced the transom, amidships, and the bow. This bracing will protect the sheeting and stabilize the boat while I add support structure and fiberglass.
A quick glimpse of the interior structure in place, and the transom braces on the jig:

The bow bracing is 2x4 screwed and braced, followed by 1/4" plywood pads to stabilize the vertical structures. The pads are hot-glued in place to the bracing so that they have a little flexibility.
Gratuitous frontal nudity:

And a shot to close, just showing the sheer of the boat, and her overall size and shape (starting to get a little excited at this point):

Gonna finish the interior prep work for laying glass today.
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