I decided it was a good time to roll, so I hinted at a couple people around here that I might need a hand. I figured one or two extra hands, some bracing here and there, blankets, etc.
I called Sean, he came with his son Bret and a friend. Shayne from work stopped by to drop off a router from craigslist. Then on the way, Sean's father in law happened to show up. Then Bryce and his brother Ray across the street decided to join in. Just about the time we get that work party ready, Pete and Brady from next door pull up. Poof! We had ourselves a boat flipping crew!
Alycia, my wife, brought out the BIG camera, so the photos are a bit larger. You can also see her photography work and web design at http://alyciastaggs.com
The instructions:

Man this thing is light:

Many hands make light work:

It then sat in the yard for about 15 minutes while I attached the new bunks on the jig to support it. 2x4x14' with bracing, seems to do the job, and I will be adding some more bracing here and there. It also apparently collected 3 gallons of water.
Time to put her to bed:

Big thanks to Shayne, Sean, the boys, Pete, Brady, Teri's dad, Bryce, Ray, and my wife Alycia. I really appreciate everyone's help.
Next up, fillets and tape, after I build up the jig a bit. I also have some surgery coming up, so if I dont get a post up for a few days, please cut a fellah some slack, eh?
Is there anything in particular that made you decide to flip first and paint later?
I decided to flip according to several different factors. First the boat will be more fair if I do the fairing/filling after the frames are in the boat. Secondly, I have to roll it over again to cut the motorwell, so why not have it as light as possible. Third, I am having a surgery done, this will allow me many projects to do while Im recovering.
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