Daytime temps have been floating around...
Its been...
Alright, who the hell put &%(&(!@# Rocky mountain high on this computer? SERIOUSLY? How the hell do I blog listening to John Denver? Long Beach Allstars, thats better. Sorry.
The daytime temp in the shop has been hovering in the 10-20 degree F range forever. It warmed up to a balmy 34 the other day, so I pulled the trigger on the bottom panels. As previously discussed, Im building this boat without the ability to heat the shop, so your humble (?) narrator is heating the working surfaces only with radiant heat in an attempt to get curing temps high without throwing heat in the whole structure. Here is a shot of the (rather ghetto) setup.
My cheap version, 2 500W worklights. Theoretically 100W of heat, right? Theoretically Communism works too....

A bit more strategic and effective, the 1500W radiant heater:

Surprisingly, the lights are getting me 50F to 60F surface temps, and the big heater is giving up to 70F surface temps. No bubbles from offgassing as well. Its working well, so well that I have the second panel gluing as we speak. We will see if it sustains temps throughout the night as we expect 20 or less temp wise tonight.
While laying up the first panel, I cut out the two side panels...
WOW, I think the lead singer of Long Beach Allstars is tone deaf. Merle Haggard? Nah. Believe it or not, Moulin Rouge soundtrack. That works nicely.
The two sides are stacked aside, and look like this:

The reason they are sitting aside, and that I can only glue up one set of 'glass butt blocks at a time is SWMBO(google it)'s car MUST fit in the garage at night, otherwise said boat project goes away. It makes for a rather perculiar looking garage sight at night:

As you can see, in a two car you can fit a motor, 3 sea kayaks, 1 11' rowboat, a 25 foot long boat jig, 11 sheets of 6mm plywood in various full and cut phases, a gluing station with one panel gluing up, and the SWMBO-mobile. Tight, but it works.
For those of you who are truly committed to reading this blog will notice I had another hiatus. Comp crashed BIGTIME. New PC as we speak. What a hassle.
Bottom panels are to be stitched within the week, short break, then side panels and the complete stitchified boat!
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