Its been an exceptional winter, with some news agencies placing us at 180% of our normal snowpack in the lowlands, and 130% in the higher elevations. Good for the skiing, the lake, and the fish. Not particularly conducive to the blogging boatbuilder. The current snowpack here at home is about 18", and its basically a monolith of ice, as the snow has been through many freeze-thaw cycles. What is nice, however, is it's ending!
Here is a good example:
Normal snow year:

This year:

Sun broke out the other day, many scurried away from the bright, horrible burning orb floating where the clouds normally are, until a few intrepid citizens found the heat to actually be a good thing. The snow from SWMBO's car melted into lakes, so I spent a good deal of time sweeping that out.
This instigated a little rejuvenation of the boatbuilding virus. Once the ice and snow and water were moved, well lets get this tidied up. Thats better, now let us clean this. Hey, these need to be put outside, but this needs to be over here on the shop wall. Okay, now that this is happening, let's get serious and pull her out of the garage to get things really tidy....

Ahhhh. Now Im thinking about how I can do this, fix that, get this sanded, recoat that, and lets get some paint on this pig!
I also took a few minutes and made a little more convenient clamp rack out of my last remaining sawhorse that isn't a motor stand. Pretty snazzy, eh?

A friend has donated some clamps to the cause temporarily, but I am getting far enough ahead to be able to call most of those my own. There is a rowboat project and a workboat project in the offing that will require more use of clamps than this one has....
Also working on SWMBO to help me develop a REAL webpage! Blogger is great, but there will be more boats, with more stories, and more mildly irritating banter, which all need to be compactly held together in one place. You will be the first to know....
1 comment:
We have just discovered your blog. DH was interested in building the Ninigret and through various Googlings we discovered you. Your boat is beautiful and we will be heading over to check out the plans. We are more interested in the one with the cabin. I think you mentioned in one of the posts of the Wooden Boat Forum that the Nina came with one. One attraction the Ninigret had for us was it was an attractive boat with the cabin (so many boats that have additional cabin plans ruin the line of the boat imho). Anyway.. off to check the plans out. Congratulations on building such a lovely boat.
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