On a side note, I have been read 3 Augusten Burroughs books in the past week, be forewarned of any ramblings, stream of consciousness randomness, and odd analogies to come. I was inspired...
The last big project was a 17' Thames Rowing Skiff designed by the cats over at Selway-Fisher in the UK. Paul was easy to work with and helped me decide on the best boat for a double sculling setup. SWMBO has had a lifelong passion for rowing that never materialized until we took a rowing class here in Spokane.
I won't bore you with too much information, but here is the short list:
4mm okume ply hull
Solid honduran mahogany gunnels (found 20' lengths locally!)
Phillipine mahogany sliding seat assemblies
Purpleheart wineglass transom (SWMBO-mandated feature) and footstretcher sides
Teak footstretchers
Outriggers were a collaborative design with a local aluminum shop here in town
To the photos!
Dockside with the tug. Scumline was an algae bloom that day, and the lilly pads are going to be "medicated" this summer:

A nice inboard shot:

In action (photo credit: Chris Gielow independent genius and nice fellah with a touch of paranoia, mixed with a hint of OCD). That suit your needs Chris?:

This is what its all about:

If there are any questions about this boat, or you want to see more photos, I have MANY, including an extensive build set.
Temps are due to be in the 40s all this week, so expect some progress on the NINA build!
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