Alright, the world is restored to its normal splendor. Windsor made good on the price difference in the wood (a free sheet of 10mm ply is a nice fix), and on top of that a friend bought the remnant 6mm sheets that had been cut (thanks Chris). So then, back to our story...
I was able to use the cut pieces as templates to cut the correct ply. Thus saving HOURS of laying lines again and having to re-establish the right layout. Pretty handy. So for the first two sheets, I decided to recut the stringers and the C frame. Stringers went great. Now about that C frame.
I cut it, measure twice, etc etc, like a good little woodworker. I stand back. I grab my camera to bestow the newest progress to the blog readers. I notice an "error". I had done the following math, and you will see the problem:
1050 x 2 = 2010 Hm, no.
1050 + 1050 = 2010 Hm, still no.
&*%# ))@#*%& ))()^$#@!@%#^. And the camera case goes flying....
I discover that 2100 is a better answer to the above. Anyone still trying to figure out the title of the blog "A complete idiot....". And thus I prove the axiom
measure 4 times, cut once idiot.I would swear, but this is a "family" show, and its tougher literarlily (is that a word? Google it) to come up with adequately descriptive ways to express anger.
Well, as it turns out, I can fit the transom template inside the disproportionate C form, so thus the redemption begins. As I feel a bit better the next day, I get the remaining stringer pieces cut, a new C frame, and both transoms. Excellent! I feel so good about myself I throw together a strongback with kiln-dried Doug Fir 2x6's. Nice and square, but a little curve in one board that lifts the corner. Looks like I will be taking my measurements from the concrete floor instead of the strongback boards.
To the photos!
The second C frame:

The stringer/motorwell sides (jacques Im gonna talk to you about this measurement):

Der strongback:

An idea I have since Im using a metal tape to measure my form locations. I marked my origin dead-square on both sides with a T square and a scrap piece of teak. I then cut a notch on the OUTSIDE of the line (away from the center) so that the tongue of the tape measure has a place to park and makes the measurements uniform. Please hold your applause until the curtain.
Good idea or bad? YOU BE THE JUDGE!

On our next episode, gluing up the stringers! And possibly, setting the forms!
Dont hesitate to post comments!